The land of Jambudvipa

Pod. Nathaphob
6 min readFeb 5, 2024


Once upon a time, there was a man born to be a storyteller. His work revolved around engaging with people, listening to their tales, and compensating them as a gesture of friendship. Wherever he went, he received food and shelter from those he encountered.

Far away from this man, there was a girl destined to be an explorer. She traversed the world, continuously moving to new places with only her laptop. Her income was derived from the things she unearthed during her explorations.

As winter slowly encroached this year, most travelers sought refuge. There is a big home named ‘Socialerl’. Where people can go and live together.

Within this place, The girl decided to set the tone. She opened the ethereal sounds of Radiohead’s ‘Creep’ and gracefully danced across the empty floor, unfazed by the storm that intimidated others.

“Why do you dance?” inquired a man

“Because I love dancing,” replied the girl, moving to the rhythm.

“But with the storm upon us, aren’t you scared?” he questioned.

“Yes, I am scared. So, let’s come and dance together,” she suggested, inviting him to share in the joy amidst the storm’s uncertainty.

They began to dance on the dimly lit floor, the only two souls swaying to the rhythm. While others conserved energy to endure the relentless storm, they lost themselves in the dance, oblivious to the passage of time.

If love is dancing, let’s dance. Even if the stage is empty.

As the storm subsided after a few days, and the travelers cautiously ventured out again, the man shared a Jambudvipa story with the girl — a tale of wonders and life’s treasures.

“I went to Jambudvipa for one year, it seems I went to another world that brings hell and heaven together. Its most precious treasures are stories and spirit. They don’t talk about how much money you have in your hand but they talk about how big a heart you are. They worshiped gods who never appeared to them. The winters there are bone-chilling and the summer is hot as hell. Love, greed, anger, and delusion are normal things in that land. They are not ashamed of their desires. somewhere in the Jambudvipa, you will encounter the essence of humanity.”

“I dream of going there someday,” the girl expressed.

“If our paths cross again, we can embark on that journey together,” the man replied, leaving a promise lingering in the air.

The girl embarked on a journey to the land of axes, seeking the extraordinary. As she wandered, relishing the company of new experiences, the man took a different path. He entered a city where the fight for people’s rights awaited him.

Harnessing the power of his stories, he confronted an evil devil. Stories are a double-edged sword, capable of protection and destruction. The battle was, but he emerged victorious, safeguarding the village. However, the cost was high; drained of all energy, he collapsed beneath the shelter of a tree.

The sound of the wind touching the leaf and the girl still exploring until she saw him. The girl discovered the art of healing through her smiles, and her ears possessed a magical ability to alleviate pain simply by listening. They shared the night under the comforting canopy of a tree, and with the arrival of sunlight, the man’s health improved.

As dawn approached, it was time to bid farewell once more. Reluctant to part ways, the man handed her a map, uttering, “Don’t forget me.”

The map of Jambudvipa, he explained, wasn’t easily accessible. It didn’t require power or wealth; instead, Jambudvipa welcomed only those with hearts. The girl stowed the map in her bag, and as they departed. Several weeks later, she unfolded the map, only to find nothing but the words, ‘A map appears when you listen to your heart.’

She remained uncertain about the meaning until she went to the new town. This town is full of facilities and people have a peaceful life there. There was a popular saying that while many aspired to dwell there, only a select few gained entry. It required unique privileges and skills to live in town.

This girl is good enough to stay in any town in this world. Because her smile allows her to go around the world. She still has been exploring the richest town and found one man who is interested in her.

They decided to get married after three years, and her life became perfect with a good partner. This couple chose for the girl to work outside while the man took care of the family. Everything was fine until winter slowly approached again.

The destiny of time

The soul of feeling

Let the wind rhyme in the night

Far away from each other

The wind has gone on the road

The trees wait for the return of the wind

Only the touch of cold remains

She heard the sound and was reminded of that night when she danced with the man. Memories flooded back, and she realized that she had forgotten something since she arrived in this city. She rushed back home, opened a box, and found the map still there. Her tears dropped onto the paper, and the map appeared — the land of Jambudvipa.

If love is love, just love with your real heart. Even if you don’t get love back.

She needed to talk to her husband about these things, but she couldn’t because she was afraid of hurting his feelings. Little did she know that all this time, someone else had been hurt. One day, the man came to talk to her.

“How have you been lately? You seem like you’re constantly lost in thought,” Johnny asked.

“I’m really confused, Johnny,” she replied.

“Everything will be fine, and I’ll always be by your side.”

“Do you think people can love more than one at the same time?”

“Absolutely, Love is like a candlelight. You can give light to many people in the world. As much as you give love to people, you will give back what you give them. Don’t be scared of love honey, the important thing is that after you give candlelight to someone. It is also your responsibility to take care of it. The wind can turn off someone’s lights, and it is up to you to give the light to them again. The point is you need to tell the truth. Don’t let someone wait for your light. You have to be clear and then you can love people all over the world. However, in our life, you might see someone who can give light to you and you can give light to them. They are the light for each other. It might happen once in our life. If someday you find that person. Don’t hesitate to keep it.”

The girl packed her bags after discovering that her husband had fallen in love with another man. She felt a mix of sadness and relief as she returned to being an explorer, but this time with only one destination in mind.

We might never come back again

Or we may stay together as long as

I don’t believe in eternal

but I have faith in memory

the last winter doesn’t exist

The trees are looking for the next winter

the wind might come back to rhyme again

She reminds someone of this rhyme. She closes her eyes and follows her feelings. The road ahead may lead her to a new destination or it might lead her to a faraway place where she can never return to the same point again. The winter slowly never comes back again.

this story for the wonderful person, Li.

